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Recently I was invited to the set of Walmart and Procter & Gamble’s (P&G) 8th Family Movie Night as part of a Dad Blogger tour. It was a ton of fun, and now I’m back …

We are pleased to have a guest Jammer with us today at The Dad Jam. Our good friend Cyrus from jams with us today about bonding with your children through your passions. Enjoy!
Some parents …

The folks at Netflix, as well as the folks at Proctor & Gamble/Gillette (note: Netflix and Gillette are not affiliated with one another, it’s just a coincidence that they both are mentioned in this jam …

Well, here I am on May 30th… realizing that I am 33 years old this year, and thinking about our third child on the way.
I tried to come up with some other clever evidence that …