Diaper Free:  Facts and FAQs
Sat, 6/06/09 – 22:05 | 47 Comments

Going diaper free with your baby is not as hard or bizarre as you might think.  In the Western world, we have been programmed to believe that babies need diapers, but in many parts of …

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Home » Baby, Miscellaneous, Poems, Toddler

Friday Poetry

Submitted by on Friday, 5 September 20082 Comments
Looking at Palm Trees in Dubai makes me feel so poetic.  Wishing you a peaceful Friday and weekend!

Looking at this photo makes me feel so poetic. Wishing you a relaxing Friday and weekend.

I thought I would share a couple of poems to celebrate the last day of the week and the iminent start of the weekend. I made these up (just in case you couldn’t tell :-) ):

A Friday Haiku for my six and a half week old daughter:

Summer turns to fall
You are getting bigger now
Less projectile-poo

And for my two and a half year old boy, a limerick:

It was five o’clock in the morn,
I was feeling tired and worn,
You woke up and said “eeee”
“I have to go pee!”
I was happy you didn’t eat corn.

Not sure if I will be able to post this weekend, as my father-in-law is now in town and staying with us (will let you know how that goes). But if I get a chance, I will.

Next week should be a good week… expecting a special guest post and plan on sharing another baby calming technique that we rediscovered recently that has been working magic for us.

Have a great weekend, and feel free to join the jam and share your own Friday Poetry!

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