Review – Sylvan Learning Language Arts Success
Lucky me, I recently received three Sylvan Learning Language Arts Success books for my reviewing pleasure. I received the Grade K, Grade 1, and Grade 2 books, since they come closest to my son’s age.
These books are great, and the timing is great too, since we are starting to think about teaching our son to write now, and he is starting to show a lot of interest in writing.
Each book is huge, weighing in at over 300 pages each, with nice, solid, quality paper. The pages are colourful too, with cool colour pictures throughout. My son really enjoys the drawings in these books. Each tome has a detailed table of contents, and all the exercises have an answer key as well, which I thought were two nice touches.
The Grade K book starts out with writing the letters of the alphabet. The letters are shown nice and big, so they are easy to trace, and lots of opportunities to trace each letter are given. A space to write the letters freehand is also given for each letter. The book then moves on to fun exercises about consonant sounds, vowel sounds, rhyming, colours, stories, and more.
The first grade book covers Reading, Spelling and Vocabulary skills. It goes through a tonne of topics, from compound words, syllables and plurals, to spelling all kinds of words, to expanding vocabulary in the areas of days, months, time, food, animals, and more.
The second grade book is also divided into Reading, Spelling and Vocabulary skill building sections, but at a more advanced level than the first grade book. The topic areas have fun names like, “Final ‘E’ – Finally!” , “Oo, Goo, Good” and “‘Aw’-some!” The Vocabulary section includes nature, parts of the body, people, people actions, family, bugs, and more.
In general, the books are laid out really nicely, with plenty of room to write, and big fonts so that they are easy to read. The topics are written in a fun way, with fun titles and pictures to keep things interesting and fun for your child (after all, if your child is going to do extra learning and practice, it ought to be fun, right?).
If you are looking for some good, fun, learning books for your child, I definitely recommend the Sylvan Learning series. Although I am reviewing the Language Arts Success series from Grade K to 2 here, there are many other similar books from Sylvan Learning for older grades and on other subjects, such as good ol’ Math. You can also get books specifically dedicated to Spelling or Reading or Vocabulary. Check them out!
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I’ve been thinking about getting some of these Sylvan books for my nephew. He’s in kindergarten and his parents won’t get him any “extra” books, but I feel like they will help him in the long run.
Been searching eBay for some
. Awesome post!
Ashouri´s last blog ..
Thanks Ashouri, I think these books are great, so it is a good idea for you to get some for your nephew, they will definitely help to get extra practice, which will make things easier at school and down the road.