Diaper Free:  Facts and FAQs
Sat, 6/06/09 – 22:05 | 47 Comments

Going diaper free with your baby is not as hard or bizarre as you might think.  In the Western world, we have been programmed to believe that babies need diapers, but in many parts of …

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Articles in Calming

Ideas for starting a baby bedtime routine
Tuesday, 14 Oct, 2008 – 12:33 | 2 Comments
Ideas for starting a baby bedtime routine

Many people wonder when and how to implement a bedtime routine with their baby.  You can’t really read your baby a bedtime story, so what do you do to signal to your baby that it …

Bouncing ball, sleeping baby
Thursday, 11 Sep, 2008 – 7:27 | 11 Comments
Bouncing ball, sleeping baby

Many of you have heard of the movie, “Crouching Tiger, hidden dragon.”  I am here to tell you a bit about its lesser known, but critically acclaimed, sequel, “Bouncing Ball, sleeping baby.”
The plotline goes like …

Another (controversial?) way to calm a fussy or crying baby
Monday, 8 Sep, 2008 – 9:45 | 16 Comments
Another (controversial?) way to calm a fussy or crying baby

I did a search on this topic before starting to write this, and found that people are not necessarily on the same page with this calming technique.  So I want to start this post by …

Go fly a kite
Monday, 1 Sep, 2008 – 16:21 | No Comment
Go fly a kite

On a windy labour day holiday weekend in Vancouver, what better outdoor activity can one undertake besides flying a kite?  This was the thought running through our heads this morning, so we set a plan …