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What would we do without our Didymos?

Submitted by on Thursday, 7 August 20084 Comments

We carry our newborn in a Didymos Sling wherever we go. We used the same sling with our first born as well. The amount of mileage we have gotten out of it so far is probably the equivalent of walking to the moon and back. It has paid for itself a million times over, and we still plan on getting at least another good year out of it.
There are lots of slings on the market. I can only speak for the Didymos because that is the only one I have tried, because we heard from many other parents that it is the best. We have an African Baby Carrier as well, but we don’t use it so much. We found it a bit harder to use, and less versatile, and overall our son didn’t like it as much as the sling.
What I like about the Didymos sling is that it is very high quality and very versatile. You can tell that it is a quality product just by holding it. We bought ours used, and used it a lot with our first born, and are using it a lot with our newborn. It still looks and feels new. It does not show any signs of wear or over stretching. There are a number of different ways that you can use the sling to wrap your child, and you can use it right from birth to at least 12 months. You can do everything from a hammock type of wrap, to a front wrap, to a backpack wrap. See this website for some details about how the wrap is made and some pictures http://www.extraordinarybabyshoppe.com/didymosPage.html. I have also included a couple of pictures of us using our didymos in this post.
I admit it is a bit difficult to learn how to do some of the wraps and I was more nervous than a nervous person the first time I tried it. But the more you do it, the better you get at it. Now I can wrap our newborn faster than a Wrapanini worker can wrap a wrap.
Our first born loved the sling (at least as much as he now loves chocolate), and it seems that our newborn loves it too. It is a place for the child to be close to the parent, all warm and cosy. It is very calming for them, so much so that we usually use it as a calming technique when all else fails. I will write a bit more about that in another post.
So, just felt like praising the wrap here, because I used it with my newborn today and I was so happy. I took her and my son out together, alone, for the first time, and she slept right by my side in the wrap the whole time and I still had my hands and legs free to chase after my toddler son and sip a coffee at the same time! It doesn’t get any better than that!
So if you are looking to try carrying your baby in a sling, I say it is a great thing to do, and the Didymos is a great way to do it!
Join the jam and let us know about your favourite wrap or sling!

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