Diaper Free:  Facts and FAQs
Sat, 6/06/09 – 22:05 | 47 Comments

Going diaper free with your baby is not as hard or bizarre as you might think.  In the Western world, we have been programmed to believe that babies need diapers, but in many parts of …

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Articles in money

Money: How to Reduce the Cost of Kids: Part 2
Sunday, 18 Jan, 2009 – 22:48 | One Comment
Money: How to Reduce the Cost of Kids: Part 2

A few months ago, I jammed about how to reduce the cost of kids.  In particular, I jammed about how you can easily have a baby without breaking the bank, with a focus on the …

A Great Waterproof Mattress Pad: A life and money saver
Friday, 28 Nov, 2008 – 23:33 | One Comment
A Great Waterproof Mattress Pad: A life and money saver

When asked for the most important, life- and money-saving purchase we’ve made since having kids, I don’t respond with “food” or “a house.”  No.  Those things are obvious.  What has really saved our lives since …

Money – How to Reduce the Cost of Kids
Friday, 26 Sep, 2008 – 8:46 | 4 Comments
Money – How to Reduce the Cost of Kids

I read an article in Metro News yesterday about a recent study that showed that the average age than men and women become parents for the first time is increasing.  If the trend continues, having …

Money doesn’t grow on trees
Wednesday, 13 Aug, 2008 – 8:23 | No Comment

Well, we’ve probably all heard our parents tell us that “Money doesn’t grow on trees” and we will probably tell our kids the same thing a several dozen times (or more) during their child and …