Diaper Free:  Facts and FAQs
Sat, 6/06/09 – 22:05 | 47 Comments

Going diaper free with your baby is not as hard or bizarre as you might think.  In the Western world, we have been programmed to believe that babies need diapers, but in many parts of …

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Articles in Obedience Issues

7 Ways to Stop Saying “No” and “Don’t”
Monday, 15 Mar, 2010 – 7:13 | 12 Comments
7 Ways to Stop Saying “No” and “Don’t”

I got tired of it.  Always saying, “Don’t do this..” “No!” “Do this..” and “Don’t do that..”  I’m sure Smarty Pants was getting tired of it too.  Imagine always hearing those words from your boss …

Getting Toddler to Listen – How Signs Can Help
Sunday, 3 May, 2009 – 20:00 | No Comment
Getting Toddler to Listen – How Signs Can Help

One of the hardest things to explain to a toddler does not start with an S.  It begins with an F.
That’s right, flowers.  How do you explain to a toddler that he is not allowed …

Sushi taught me how to talk to my toddler
Thursday, 4 Dec, 2008 – 22:03 | 6 Comments
Sushi taught me how to talk to my toddler

I learned an important lesson about how to talk to my toddler from one of his favorite foods – not chocolate – but sushi.  Cucumber rolls to be exact.
My toddler boy, Smarty Pants, devours cucumber …

Parenting: The World’s Most Thankless Job
Tuesday, 4 Nov, 2008 – 22:30 | 6 Comments
Parenting:  The World’s Most Thankless Job

Ever find yourself in a situation where you’ve just spent the whole day with your child, bought him ice-cream and candies, had lots of good, fun, quality time, including breaking your back climbing through the …