Articles in Toddler

Here’s a quick tip – something you might want to try out if your toddler is like my Smarty Pants and doesn’t like to have his finger or toe nails cut.
My attempts to cut Smarty …

A great fatherhood blogger, Tyler at Building Camelot, has started a project called “Pictures of Life With Kids: Parenting Behind the Scenes.” I think it is a great idea, and this post is my contribution.
To …

For a fun Friday post, a caption contest.
I will do a poll next week to determine the best caption of all the captions submitted, and the winning caption and winner will be featured in a …

I recently made a big mistake. I am telling you about it in hopes that you won’t make the same one.
The other day, my father-in-law was getting ready to do some drilling for us… nothing …