Articles tagged with: Toddler

A great fatherhood blogger, Tyler at Building Camelot, has started a project called “Pictures of Life With Kids: Parenting Behind the Scenes.” I think it is a great idea, and this post is my contribution.
To …

For a fun Friday post, a caption contest.
I will do a poll next week to determine the best caption of all the captions submitted, and the winning caption and winner will be featured in a …

I recently made a big mistake. I am telling you about it in hopes that you won’t make the same one.
The other day, my father-in-law was getting ready to do some drilling for us… nothing …

This post is inspired by a sleepless night that was peppered by a full moon, a two month old with the sniffles, some really bizarre dreams and a bed wetting incident.
Let me explain.
Our son, who …