Articles tagged with: Toddler

In his book, Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life, author Dr. Martin Seligman describes three important benefits that optimistic kids can enjoy: better health, greater academic and extracurricular performance, and the …

Potty training a toddler is an exciting, yet daunting, task. Ask 100 people how it went for their toddler, and you’ll get 100 different stories. From those whose toddlers just magically got up and went …

When Love Buns cooked rice with peas for dinner the other night, I was unsure how Smarty Pants would receive it.
You see, sentences like, “I don’t like that,” and, “I don’t want it!” can frequently …

I came across a great article on the internet today about toddler discipline and alternative methods to achieving good behaviour in toddlers beyond the old “time-out” method. Not to say the “time-out” method isn’t good…it …