Diaper Free:  Facts and FAQs
Sat, 6/06/09 – 22:05 | 47 Comments

Going diaper free with your baby is not as hard or bizarre as you might think.  In the Western world, we have been programmed to believe that babies need diapers, but in many parts of …

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Mission: Getting Toddler to Fall Asleep on His Own: Accomplished
Wednesday, 10 Dec, 2008 – 21:44 | 80 Comments
Mission:  Getting Toddler to Fall Asleep on His Own:  Accomplished

About 8 weeks ago, we started on a mission that we thought would be impossible.  It was to get our toddler, Smarty Pants, to fall asleep at night on his own, without us in the …

The Ultimate Secret of Blog Success
Saturday, 1 Nov, 2008 – 21:45 | 8 Comments
The Ultimate Secret of Blog Success

I read a book called “Blogging Heroes” and can safely say that I now know the ultimate secret of blog success.
When I blog, I am like a guitar-playing busker on Granville Island on a cool …

Get Your Kids to Listen to You Using Keywords
Saturday, 25 Oct, 2008 – 22:20 | 6 Comments
Get Your Kids to Listen to You Using Keywords

Getting your kids to listen to you is not always an easy task, especially if they are just learning to understand language in general.  You want them to understand you and listen to your instructions, …

10 minutes that may save your marriage
Thursday, 16 Oct, 2008 – 23:43 | 7 Comments
10 minutes that may save your marriage

When you have kids, you can get so caught up with trying to keep them organized that it is easy forget to take time for both yourself and your partner.  This makes it easy to …