1 Smart Tip to Get Your Child to Happily Do What You Want
I stumbled upon this method of getting my son to happily go along with what I want him to do partly by accident, and you won’t believe how easy it is and how well it works!
You are going to want to give it a try if you haven’t discovered it already yourself. If you have discovered it already, I bet you use it quite often.
What is it?
All you need to do is add great significance to whatever it is you want your child to do or go along with. It can really make things fun for you and your child. You just need to use your imagination and be playful.
I’ll give you an example, from my own experience, which is actually how I stumbled upon this method in the first place.
While helping my five year old son get dressed one day, I handed him a pair of jeans to put on. He looked at me with a strange look, as if he didn’t real want to wear jeans that day. But then, he looked at the jeans again, and looked back at me.
“Are these ‘Rescue Jeans?’” he asked me.
Not really knowing what to say… I went with a… “Yes, those are Rescue Jeans.”
He looked back at the jeans, and happily put them on.
It made me realize that if we want to get our kids to go along with certain things, we just have to make them sound cooler than they are.
Another time, my son didn’t want to sit in a certain chair.
“Why do I have to sit in THAT chair?” he asked.
“Because that is a special chair.” I said. (Okay, not quite as cool as “Rescue Jeans”… but hey, I’m older and have less imagination).
“Okay” he said, happily climbing onto the chair.
So next time you find yourself in a situation where your child doesn’t want to put on a certain piece of clothing, or sit in a certain chair, or go somewhere with you, or just plain isn’t listening… try making it sound cooler and more appealing to them! Jeans can be “Rescue Jeans”… why not? Whatever works right?
Now I am off to my “Super Cool Bed”… until next time!
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Now how do we make them eat super tasty broccoli? lol
ella´s last blog ..Simple Animation Software – tips and guidelines
lol ella! How about, “Super Hero Broccoli!”
I really love this great idea of making an everyday items as something special – Super bed, rescue jeans, awesome refrigerator etc. I will adopt this idea in my own life if I may

Shahar´s last blog ..Technology at its best
Sure thing Shahar! Glad you like it and thanks for your comment! I like “Super bed!”