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Going diaper free with your baby is not as hard or bizarre as you might think.  In the Western world, we have been programmed to believe that babies need diapers, but in many parts of …

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Those funny things kids say…

Submitted by on Tuesday, 11 June 2013No Comment

One of the best parts about being a dad is the daily laughter. No matter how long or hard of a day you’ve had, your kids are guaranteed to make you smile or laugh at some point in the day, with all the sweet and funny things that they say.

It is so amazing to listen to them and get insights on how their young minds interpret the world around them.

funny things kids sayA couple of weeks ago, I celebrated my birthday (I won’t say how old… but I will say I was quite happy that I got carded by the waitress when I went out for a celebratory drink… ahem… just sayin’). Anyway, when I was talking to my seven year old (omg, can’t believe he’s already seven!) later that day, he asked me how old I turned.

I said, I just turned 19.

He asked, “You’re a teenager?”

And I said, “Yes, I am!”

To which he promptly responded, “You can’t be a teenager, because you don’t have braces!”

Would that not bring a smile to your face too?

I’ll share one more…

Driving in the car with my son, he suddenly blurts out, “I hope I have short hair when I grow up.”

To which I replied, “You can choose how long you want your hair to be when you grow up. Its not like your height. If you want short hair, you can just go for a haircut.”

He was not convinced. He refuted, “No you can’t choose how long your hair is when you are old.”

I said, “Sure you can, if you want short hair, just cut it short.”

And then he knocked me down for the count: “But you can’t do that if you’re bald!!”

I’m getting too old to keep up…. (at least I still have my young looks, apparently, lol).

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