An innovative and bizarre baby bottle
I came across this image on the web yesterday and just had to write about it. Is it not the most bizarre looking baby bottle (or bottle in general) that you have ever seen?
This is an idea from “Design Continuum” – they are working on developing a customized nipple bottle, that will look similar to what you see in the picture.
And get this – the nipple will be custom made based on a 3-D scan of the mother’s breast!
It is also oriented upside down to better simulate the breast feeding position.
It hasn’t been released yet, but the idea is still being researched.
We never bottle-fed our first child and so far haven’t tried bottle-feeding our second, and we don’t plan to. We have been lucky enough that breastfeeding has gone very well, so haven’t had a need to bottle-feed.
With our first child, we did try a bottle on one occassion (with pumped milk) when he was about 8 or 9 months old, to see if he would take it, but he didn’t. Perhaps if we had this he would have?
This image and idea raise many questions in my mind. Would I feel like I am “fooling” my baby if I used this? Would I be comfortable walking around in public flashing an exact replica of my wife’s nipple around? Would I be tempted to “experiment” with it myself, to see how close to the real thing it is (jokes)?
In any case, it definitely is an innovative idea, no matter how bizarre it looks. Perhaps parents who really want to give their baby the feeling of being breastfed, but are unable to breastfeed for whatever reason, will find this a wonderful alternative.
Join the Jam and post your thoughts and responses to the above questions? Is this something you would carry around with you?
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I’m surprised Hooters hasn’t changed their beverage glasses out for these.
I’d like one of those myself without the milk…um…was that too much information?
LOL … good ones guys!
I’m not sure there’s a huge demand for this bottle. If you’re unsuccessful in breastfeeding (as we were), switching to a nipple that’s the same in shape might not work. If you’re successful in breastfeeding, why use the nipple at all?
Now that I’ve talked myself into a logic stream, I can see a good use: breastfeeding mothers whose babies need more nutrition than breast milk provides (babies transitioning to the toddler stage?). So yeah, I actually now see a good use for it.
Thanks for sharing this thing with us. I still think it looks like the bottle of the future, but I also think it has promise.
Hi Pete, thanks for your comment. This bottle really caught my eye, just because of how innovative it looks, but at the same time, you are right, anyone who is successfully breastfeeding wouldn’t need it, and if your unsuccessful, again, it might not work. But the scenario you describe where this might work is a good one… a child where you are using a combo of breastfeeding and bottle feeding, but want to keep the “look and feel” of the nipple consistent
They need to market this to colleges too!
Joseph´s last blog ..Ten Things You Can Have Done With Your Body When You Die
lol @Joseph
This bottle needs to be made!!! If it it could replicate the amount of suckling as well it could be a great teaching tool for the baby to learn a good latch, which seems to be 80% of the reasons people “fail” at breastfeeding. As well, it would help give moms relief to heal from trauma, thrush or mastitis.
i think it is a great idea would help give mum a brake as my baby wont take a bottle and i think this would work for her
This bottle looks amazing! I was successful at breastfeeding. It was very difficult to get used to, but after some coaching with the first child I was right on my way. (yes, I did need to see a lactation nurse a few times to get it right). With my last child I was more successful than ever, but I had to begin taking medication that did not allow me to breastfeed. I was so sad! I finally got this darn thing down and 6 months into it, I had to switch. Breastfeeding by the way, is SO much easier, no bottles to wash or prepare, just a food source for the baby whereever you go! Yes, it is hard to get used to the fact that you are still “pregnant” with choices you have to make and you can never go too far from baby, or have more than one glass of wine once in a while, but overall, those sacrifices are small compared to bottle making, washing, packing…all that stuff!
Needless to say, my daughter was NOT having a bottle. She got to the point where if she saw the bottle she would scream at you. It was almost funny and cute, until we had to take her to the hospital. I thought I would be able to switch her right over to the bottle, so I began my needed medication right away. When shs did not eat for one whole day, I had to make sure she wasn’t going to get dehydrated (among other issues).
After many attempts, she began taking a sippy-cup. It almost had her drowning in her milk, but she liked it! However, I was still determined to get her to drink from a bottle, so we kept trying. After two weeks of trying several different brands, she finally took the cheapest one! The old simple bottles. Go figure!
Anyway, this bottle might have been great! I love it. I could have even hid it in my shirt or something! Sounds strange, I know, but it was really that crazy.
I was asking friends, doctors, nurses, midwifes, EVERYONE! I used all the advice they gavce and only time and hunger helped. It is just hard to watch your baby refuse food and get so hungry.
She is 9 months now and doing great!
I agree with Rebecca. The biggest reason that I had any trouble, ever, was because I was not getting a good enough latch. I think it is like anything else, keep practicing and don’t give up! Once you make it past that learning stage with your baby, it is the most rewarding feeling in the world. I breat fed all of my kids and while I was breastfeeding them, if they got a cold, they bounced back from it much quicker. Once I stopped and they were on formula, when they got sick, it seemed like forever to get them better. I think formula’s have come a long way though, because my youngest does fine with formula. When she gets sick, she bounces right back. It might be that I was fortunate enough to breastfeed for 6 months this time! I wish I could have kept feeding her that way, but my health would not allow for it!
Take care all! Nice reading these posts. Great blog!
oops, sorry about the typos!
Thank you very much Amber! Thank you for sharing your stories!
I think you would really fool them if there is no milk in it, you can put other things it without milk, right? No but that’s interesting, nice
_. Anyway bye, bye.
Jett´s last blog ..Good Names