My Top Ten Guy Movies
Okay, there are tonnes of great guy movies out there, and if I had a life and actually saw some of them, this list might be different. Of the few guy movies that I HAVE seen, these are my personal faves, and I can safely say that most guys should have at least one of these on their list too. Of course, with age, my memory is fading, so I’m sure there are some great guy movies that I saw back in the day when I had a life, that I have forgotten all about. Too much beer in University does that.
And yes, you’ll notice that movies like The Godfather, Scarface, Goodfellas, etc, are not on this list. Why? Well, if I told you, I’d have to kill you, so fo’get abat it.
In any case, here’s a list of great guy movies that I recommend to the manliest of men.
Warning: Watching these movies may cause you to want to eat meat, drink beer, burp real loud, and/or kick butt. (Is “butt” a manly word? – I don’t think so… but my parents sometimes read this blog so I gotta keep it a bit tame – now how manly is that?).
10. Back to the Future
- alright, this list starts out with a movie that is not necessarily a guy’s movie, but don’t let that stop you from reading on. Trust me, it gets more manly as you get further on. I’m including this in my list of manly movies because my wife doesn’t like it, which makes it a manly movie from my perspective. Anyways, a Dolorean turned into a time machine is manly, isn’t it?
Memorable quote: “When this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you’re going to see some serious shit.”
9. Memento
- this movie will eat your mind, digest it, and regurgitate it. If you have seen it already, watch. It. Now. This movie takes you into the life and mind of someone with no long term memory who is trying to hunt down his wife’s killer. And the whole story is told backwards to boot.
Memorable quote: Lenny: “These tracks are just a few days old.” Teddy: “What are you, Pocahontas?”
8. The Matrix
- the first Matrix has all the makings of a great guy movie – martial arts, big ass guns, wicked special effects, a totally mental plot line, and… Keanu Reeves? Anyways, the first Matrix is wicked, unfortunately the other two were less than wicked (I mean, what was up with that part in part 2 where he made her heart start beating again?
Memorable quote: “If you’d told us the truth, we would’ve told you to shove that red pill right up your ass.”
7. Wanted
- A dude who breaks out of his cubicle job to become an assassin. Angelina Jolie bends bullets and kicks some serious ass. Nuff said.
Memorable quote: “It’s my anorexic boss’ birthday. This means there’s a certain amount of inter-office pressure to stand around the conference table, eating crappy food and pretending to worship her. Acting for five minutes like Janice doesn’t make all our lives miserable is the hardest work I’ll do all day.”
6. Terminator II
- A manly movie list would not be complete without at least one movie from good ol’ Arnie. And I’m not talking about “Twins” or “Junior.” Although nowadays seeing liquid metal reform into a robot is not a big deal, at the time Terminator II came out it was really ground-breaking stuff.
Memorable quote: John Connor: “Jesus, you were gonna kill that guy.” The Terminator: “Of course; I’m a terminator”
5. Old School
- This movie is just plain hilarious and will take you back to your crazy college days. Beer funnelling, mud-wrestling, and streaking, all the ingredients are there.
Memorable quote: “We’re going streaking!”
4. Entourage
- Okay, this isn’t a movie, but its about making movies, so it kinda counts. Vince, E, Drama, Turtle and Ari are total guys guys. Period.
Memorable quote: Ari talking about going to Australia to shoot a film: “We are gonna get drunk with Russell Crowe and we’re gonna head-butt some goddamn kangaroos.”
3. The Usual Suspects
- After this movie I had a man-crush on Kevin Spacey and wanted to see all his films. The ending blew my mind to pieces, put it back together, and melted it.
Memorable quote: “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”
2. Fight Club
- Meatloaf gets his butt kicked in a fight. That’s reason enough to watch it right there.
Memorable quote: “When you have insomnia, you’re never really asleep… and you’re never really awake.” (Editor’s note: Sounds like my life!).
1. Swingers
- This list would not be complete without Las Vegas, Glen Garry, Jazz Clubs, Video Games, and Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. This one has it all. And it’s money, baby.
Memorable quote: “I want you to remember this face, here. Okay? This is the guy behind the guy behind the guy.”
Hope you enjoyed it. What are your top 10 guy movies? What movie would you add to this list?
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I think my husband would agree with your list. I’ve tried so hard to watch the Matrix and believe me, it’s on all the time at our house but I just don’t get it. It puts me to sleep.
Amanda’s last blog post..A Trip to the Dr.’s Office
@Amanda, LOL – it puts you to sleep?
I can see how part 2 might, but part 1? I think my wife would agree with you though, so it must be a guy thing
I’ve seen half of the movies here and yes, this is a manly list of movies. I’m glad you left off the movies that you mentioned because it’s good to see something new.
A couple of my favorite man movies:
1.) Predator (my old man and I used to watch it together)
2.) Rambo (reminds me of playing with GI Joe’s when I was younger)
Tyler – Building Camelot’s last blog post..The Secret To A Lasting Marriage : A Guest Post
@Tyler – glad you liked the list, and yeah, I tried to make this list a little different than the typical mob movie list. I haven’t seen Predator or Rambo in their entirety to be honest, but I’m sure they are tried and true man movies all the way!
Definitely Swingers
When I was researching for my latest blog article I kept running into this old favorite and I was amazed at how many of the lines that I could recite: “Could you tell me where all of the high school girls hang out around here!?!?”
I hope John and Vince do a sequel of some sort…..
Head Coach´s last blog ..Kettlebell Swinging – The Hot New Swingers Lifestyle For Health
Haha, yeah, a sequel would be amazing! Cheers!