Diaper Free:  Facts and FAQs
Sat, 6/06/09 – 22:05 | 47 Comments

Going diaper free with your baby is not as hard or bizarre as you might think.  In the Western world, we have been programmed to believe that babies need diapers, but in many parts of …

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Advice and Tips

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Articles in Advice and Tips

Three Tips for Surviving Your First Week with Three Kids
Saturday, 3 Dec, 2011 – 23:27 | 17 Comments
Three Tips for Surviving Your First Week with Three Kids

Hold onto your shirts! The Dad Jam family has grown! We recently welcomed our son, who I’ll call Smarty Pants 2, to the world, making us a family of five. Three kids!! (by the way, …

A few cool tips for parents who want to work flexibly from home
Thursday, 13 Oct, 2011 – 22:11 | 10 Comments
A few cool tips for parents who want to work flexibly from home

As you know as a parent, parenting is a full-time job in itself… actually it is a triple-time job, with no breaks, work on weekends… and, by the way, no cash compensation.
There is a much …

My Take on Reverse Psychology with Picky Eater Kids
Tuesday, 4 Oct, 2011 – 16:44 | 6 Comments
My Take on Reverse Psychology with Picky Eater Kids

Getting your kids to eat something other than pasta or pizza – its right up there with shopping for mens clothing for yourself – you don’t always want to do it, but every once in …

Six Great Tips for Getting Your Family Active
Tuesday, 16 Aug, 2011 – 5:20 | 6 Comments
Six Great Tips for Getting Your Family Active

Feeling sluggish? Kids watching too much TV? We have an awesome guest jam today from guest Jammer Kathleen Thomas of Primrose Day Care Schools. Kathleen shares some amazing tips for getting your kids and family …